
“Now I’m able to make pappa al pomodoro, crostinis and potatos ravioli!”

Dear Valentina, my cooking class at that wonderful castle near Florence was the highlight of my recent trip to Italy! The chef was very professional and had a great sense of humour, I learnt a…

Dear Valentina, my cooking class at that wonderful castle near Florence was the highlight of my recent trip to Italy! The chef was very professional and had a great sense of humour, I learnt a lot about Tuscan culture and cooking traditions and had a wonderful time with the group. My husband was a ‘guest’ for the luncheon and thoroughly enjoyed himself too, he said that food and wine were great. Since I’ve been home, I’ve been able to make pappa al pomodoro, crostinis and potatos ravioli. My family and friends were very impressed! We will surely visit you again next year.
Jenny, NSW. Australia